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My city break to Porto.

It's been just over a week since I came back from Porto, and what a beautiful city it is. There’s something about city breaks that just make me feel so at home, like at peace, yet full of inspiration! Take their tiles for example...       These blue and white tiles in particular I find really aesthetically pleasing... and of course remind me of my Baroque Blue Collection. Any trips or holidays are perfect for making memories, and our wardrobes are always a part of that. I have dresses, for example, that I feel are more fitting for certain holidays, as if they’re complimented by the surroundings and way of life. This cornflower blue loose fitting dress was one...

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Preparing for Christmas!

HOLIDAYS A'COMING! With Christmas fast approaching, it's safe to say I've been 'stitched' to the sewing machine (hence my lack of blogging). Not sure whether it's just myself that breaks the mould, but unfortunately multi-tasking definitely isn't my forte!So it's about time I gave my eyes a change of scenery.A couple of months ago, my application for a stall at the Christmas Market was successful! I have an amazing opportunity to showcase my products from the 13th November to the 17th at The Hayes, Cardiff. I'm so excited to be at the core of such a Christmasy experience. Although, I'm not sure whether I'm more excited to be near the sugary, cinnamonny nut and mulled wine guys.. I will try...

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A little about Me.

                                                                                                                                                     So I have finally decided to take the plunge into 'Blogging'! I have put it off until now due to what I am currently experiencing, even whilst typing this, and that is anxiety/self doubt. I've let the the idea of putting more of myself out there become...

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