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✨ Celebrating 10 YEARS! ✨

I can't quite believe the Lauren Catris brand has reached 10 YEARS! Where has the time gone?! It's been one helluva journey, and I'll be honest with you, it hasn't been an easy one. Far from it. But, I'm glad I didn't give up when all those times felt like I should. No matter how many times I'd hit rock bottom, something positive would happen, as if it was a sign from something bigger telling me to keep going.I've always known I was put on this earth to be creative, but sometimes our doubts and insecurities' voice shouts louder than that knowing. Is it self sabotage? Our comfort zone? Whatever it is, these 10 years have taught me to fight past...

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A personal, and brand achievement.

On the 14th December, I was asked give a presentation (along with two other business women) on my journey as a creative, and a brand, for Fierce Femmes. Anyone that knows me will know that public speaking is one of my biggest fears. I'm happy to talk to anyone, and everyone, but put me in front of a room of people, whom are all looking and listening to me, and the anxiety takes over. I crumble. Initially I turned down the offer to speak, and weeks before I even considered pulling out. How could I possibly do this? I don't do things like this! Do I really need to do it? This inner argument played over and over, but deep...

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